Committed to innovative surgical solutions

Gintaras Vaisnys

Gintaras was co-founder, CEO/President and board member of Defibtech, LLC, a leading innovator and manufacturer of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). The company has sold more than 500,000 defibrillators and millions of disposables in over 40 countries around the world and was named as the fastest growing medical device company in the United States (7th overall) in one of the Deloitte “Fast 500” lists. Defibtech was sold to Nihon Kohden, a leading Japanese medical device firm, in 2012. Gintaras remained on as CEO through 2017.


Defibtech and the products that Gintaras has personally helped design have won Medical Device Excellence awards (2005, 2011), IDSA (Industrial Designers Society of America) awards (2013 and 2004: IDEA awards; 2010: Design of the Decade), and numerous other product and business awards. One of his designs was exhibited at the MoMA (“Design Takes on Risk”, Museum of Modern Art, NYC). Gintaras has been actively involved in bringing medical device products to market which have received more than a dozen FDA 510(k)’s, CE Marks and a PMA. Gintaras is a graduate of Yale University (BS, Engineering) and holds more than 40 patents.